About Us


Established by the University of Media, Arts and Communication Act, 2020 (Act 1059), the University is a merger of the erstwhile Ghana Institute of Journalism, established in 1959, the National Film and Television Institute, established in 1978 and the Ghana Institute of Languages, established in 1961.

The Act envisages a holding University with constituent institutes with the power to award degrees of the holding University.


The University’s aim is to provide higher education, disseminate knowledge related to the development of the media, arts and communication industry in the country, undertake research and foster relationships with persons outside the University.

The University Logo

The logo is tricoloured; burgundy which connotes passion, excitement, and confidence; mustard brown, representing reliability, support, and authenticity and prussian blue which stands for trust, relevance and authority. It incorporates three distinct Adinkra symbols to demonstrate African values and culture. The “Nkɔnsɔnkɔsɔn” is a symbol of unity and human relations, “Dame-Dame” signifies intelligence and integrity and “Akokɔ nan” represents nurturing or training and discipline.

Logo Concept

“Nkɔnsɔnkɔsɔn” Adinkra symbol for Unity and Human Relation


“Dame Dame” Adinkra symbol for intelligence and ingenuity.


“Akokɔ Nan” Adinkra symbol for nurturing/training and discipline.

Colour Palette

Burgundy (#A0043C)

Mustard Brown (#C19778)

Prussian Blue (#003151)


Brand Guide

Click Here to Download

Developing the Logo

At its meeting held on 19th August, 2022, the Interim Council of the University tasked a team of three Rectors of the erstwhile Ghana Institute of Journalism, Ghana Institute of Languages and the National Film and Television Institute to organize and supervise a logo design competition to come up with a logo for the University of Media, Arts and Communication.

Twenty designs were received from the university community and subsequently, they were anonymized by the Council Secretariat and forwarded to the Logo Design Review Committee made up of the three Rectors, an Industry expert, and the Acting Registrar.

The Logo Design Review Committee at its meeting on the 14th shortlisted seven designs out of the total of twenty entries. The designers of the seven entries were then invited to present their concepts to the panel on 21th November, 2022 out of which two were recommended to the Interim Council for consideration following a vote by 28th November 2022 to determine the final choice for Council’s consideration.

Two entries submitted by Mr. Noel Nustugah and Mr. John Paul Amuzu stood out and were ranked 1st and 2nd respectively. The two entries were duly recognized at the unveiling ceremony of the University Logo on held 19th December, 2022.

The initial elements of the winning entry were the Adinkra Symbols “Mate Masie”, “Dame Dame” and “Akokɔ Nan”. The Logo Review Committee, after careful reflection however, recommended replacing “Mate Masie” with the adinkra symbol “Nkɔnsɔnkɔsɔn” to emphasize unity in the merger.